Composers' Platform: Panayiotis Kokoras

Composers' Platform is designed to introduce original composers/sound artists and their practices to Lithuanian audiences.


Panayiotis Kokoras is an American Greek composer and computer music innovator. Kokoras’s sound compositions use timbre as the main element of form. His concept of “holophony” describes his goal that each independent sound (φωνή), contributes equally into the synthesis of the total (ὅλος). In both instrumental and electroacoustic writing, his music calls upon a “virtuosity of sound,” emphasizing the precise production of variable sound possibilities and the correct distinction between one timbre and another to convey the musical ideas and structure of the piece. His compositional output is also informed by musical research in Music Information Retrieval compositional strategies, extended techniques, tactile sound, augmented reality, robotics, spatial sound, synesthesia. He is founding member of the Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association (HELMCA) and from 2004 to 2012 he was board member and president.


/ Open rehearsal - presentation /

Composing sound – performance notation design

The sound is the music the sound is the compositional idea the structure of the piece and a path to an even deeper connection among the composer the performer and the listener. The movements and the gestures that produce the various sounds are not disconnected from the sounds are not the reason for the sounds they are the sound altogether. Each sound could be related to others but it is also an autonomous unit independent from each other.
This open rehearsal and presentation will go examine recent compositional ideas and their relation to performance practice and instrument design such as the research and development of the Ultra-thin Synthetic Reed for single reed wind instruments using laser-cut 3D print and casting technologies. This new reed offers new sound possibilities and performance techniques.

/ Conscious Sound /

Concerts at Kintai Music Festival and Raseiniai Contemporary Music Festival

The project also became an artistic residence to develop the project - The Urban Tale of a Hippo


Contemporary Music Ensemble Synaesthesis:

Vytenis Gurstis (flute)

Artūras Kažimėkas (clarinet)

Arminas Bižys (saxophone)

Diemantė Merkevičiūtė (violin)

Monika Kiknadzė (viola)

Arnas Kmieliauskas (cello)

Marta Finkelštein (piano)

Curator: Marta Finkelštein
Manager: Goda Pereckaitė

Social media: Ieva Remeikytė
Light Design: Nanni Vapaavouri
Staging: Andrius Katinas

Producer: Contemporary Ear

Financed by Lithuanian Culture Council, Vilnius Municipality, Lithuanian Culture Ministry, Ernst Von Siemens Foundation

Partners: Kintai Arts, Operomanija, Raseiniai Contemporary Music Festival

picture by Arminas Bižys